Picture Tag
I saw this on my friends blog and thought it was cute! Here's how it works... for each question, look up the answer on google image search. Then choose your favorite image from the FIRST PAGE OF RESULTS ONLY. If you want to do this (which I would love it if you did) please post in my comments that you completed it so I can view yours.
My Name

My Age

Favorite Place

Where I would like to Vist
Favorite Object
Favorite Animal
Favorite Food

Favorite Crush Growing Up

Past Pet

Friends Nickname

City I Live in

City I was Born in

My College Degree

My First Job

My Bad Habit

How old my Husband is

My Husbands Name

Hey, penguins are my fave, too and I live really close to San Jose! Cool. :)
What fun! I love it! And I love you too!
Love, Mom Ü
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